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If you are a licensed, bonded, and insured contractor (as applicable to your profession) and a member of your local HBA, apply to become CERTIFIED ALASKA BUILT.®


We are looking to people like you to build our communities the right way, the first time.


This program provides learners with the most up-to-date and innovative knowledge of products, techniques, and skills they need to understand the integral components of building in a cold climate.


Participants acquire and maintain a robust overview of the appraisal process, project planning and management, financing decisions, energy valuation, property management, and real estate asset management in our unique climate.


Ultimately, Certified Alaska Built.® builders obtain practical guidance and analytical tools to enhance their career and improve their ability to develop successful projects in one of the most extreme climates in the world. Courses are provided by our partners who are well versed in cold climate building techniques and financing.


To maintain Certified Alaska Built.® status, builders are required to complete three (3) Continuing Education Credits (usually taken in one (1) three (3) hour class) per year, as approved by their local NAHB-ASHBA affiliated building association and in addition to all other licensing and association member requirements.


Alaska Craftsman Home Program (ACHP)

for qualifying classes

The Alaska Craftsman Home Program (ACHP) is a nonprofit (501 c3) corporation that was formed through a cooperative arrangement between the University of Alaska Cooperative Extension Service, the State government, State Department of Community and Regional Affairs, and the Alaska State Homebuilders’ Association.  The program’s goal is to improve the energy efficiency of new residential construction in Alaska by educating Alaskan builders and suppliers about the benefits of energy efficiency.  


All of the workshops developed and facilitated by ACHP are designed specifically for northern regions. These regions have very diverse climatic zones with extreme temperatures, as well as precipitation, soil, and cultural differences. 

Alaska Housing Finance Center (AHFC)

AHFC’s mission is to provide Alaskans access to safe, quality, affordable housing. 

This mission has expanded from providing affordable loans to public housing programs, energy efficiency and weatherization programs, senior housing programs, and professional development opportunities.

Upcoming meetings and classes for Housing Professionals can be found in the AHFC Event Calendar. Click the register links to sign up for the event of your choice, and send an email to confirm that the class will meet certification requirements.

Cold Climate Housing Research Center (CCHRC)

for qualifying classes

The Cold Climate Housing Research Center (CCHRC) is an industry-based, nonprofit corporation created to facilitate the development, use, and testing of energy-efficient, durable, healthy, and cost-effective building technologies for people living in circumpolar regions around the globe.

Located in Fairbanks, Alaska, CCHRC was conceived and developed by members of the Alaska State Home Builders Association and 90 percent of CCHRC's charter members are general contractors from across the state. The Alaska professional building community is highly regarded as a national leader in energy efficient housing design and construction, boasting the largest per capita builders' association in the nation.


 “We’re helping the community understand what they’re buying and who they’re hiring.”

“ALASKA BUILT.® gives contractors more credibility and consumers a mark they can trust.”

“We want homes that are built strong and reliable. We want to encourage affordable homes that are energy efficient.”

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(907) 455-6650

938 Aspen St
Fairbanks, Fairbanks North Star 99709

©2014 by ALASKA BUILT.®

Misuse of the name: 

The ALASKA BUILT.® name is a registered trademark and we work hard to prevent consumer confusion in the marketplace.


If you are aware of any misuse of ALASKA BUILT.®, contact the Department of Law's Consumer Protection Unit at (907) 269-5200 or toll free at 1-888-576-2529.  


You can also go to the File a Consumer Complaint website to download a PDF friendly form to submit. 

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